Alfred Evert 2009-07-31

08.12. Rosette-Tracks at Sphere-Shells

At previous chapter, motion pattern of sun system was discussed and at a following chapter, multiple motions of sun are described. Sphere-shape is frequent occurrence at nature, at the one hand huge like stars, at the other hand small like atoms. So at the following general motion pattern of aether are examined which could result sphere-shaped objects.

Not every object of that kind represents ´material´ appearances, but these could also be pure ´aetheric´ formations. Such aether-swinging e.g. could build membranes or an ´aura´, which shields the inner from outer influences. So these motion pattern are very important e.g. as atom-shells, electric load or for biologic cells - and far above. As preparation for following chapters, here at first are shown motion-necessities and -possibilities of these appearances and some examples are mentioned.

I always try to describe only pure physical processes, actual only ´simple´ mechanics of aether motions. Some results of these motion principles I can describe in details only some months or years later. At this chapter however (and at the next chapters) I dare to offer some speculative aspects - and I hope readers welcome these remarks. Some of these statements might seem rather strange, nevertheless everyone can / may / should think about honestly.

Starting point for considerations is an ´ideal shape´ of star-like vortex-system like sketched at picture 08.12.01. There is a central, sphere-shaped area (yellow) with wide-range swinging motions. From surface of that sphere towards outward, radius of swinging becomes shorter, until passing into small-range swinging motions of Free Aether (blue).

Each connecting line (black) between sphere-surface and Free Aether is moving at a cone-surface. Many of such cones (dark green) exist all around, swinging synchronous, at likely tracks and likely sense (see arrows). Looking from outside towards ball, all aether is swinging left-turning, until sphere-surface at increasing radius. So that whirl is completely sphere-symmetric, shows likely into any direction respective shows analogue motion processes all around.

Cones marked here represent swinging of some neighbouring aetherpoints at black connecting lines. Each aetherpoint is swinging around its own fulcrum. So parallel ´swinging´ exists (opposite to ´rotation´ like defined at previous chapters). Total sphere-surface thus is swinging, inside at relative long radius, at outer spheres at each shorter radius, until finally passing into fine swinging of ´resting´ Free Aether.

Arrows drawn here show that synchronous swinging at a meridian around that central ball. At this phase, aether of left side swings upward, at top towards right, at right side downward and at bottom towards left again. Some later, aether moves opposite and finally each aetherpoint comes back to its original location moving at circle track. So nucleus of that star is embedded into a round shell of likely swinging aether - if that process would really be possible.

Swinging Pole-cap
Picture 08.12.02 shows a view towards north pole N, at which aether is swinging at circle track. Like at earlier drawings, position of observed aetherpoints are at each end of clock-hands. At the very moment, an aetherpoint is positioned left side of its fulcrum N. Parallel show all clock-hands of neighbouring aetherpoints, so all are shifted little bit towards left side from their fulcrums.

Here are drawn some meridians, left side zero-meridian (L0) and four further meridians (L45, L90, L135 and L180). Only at meridian L0 / L180 clocks show into likely direction. Even all clocks are arranged parallel, hands show angles to their meridians, e.g. of 90 degree at L90. By this view, clocks are shifted, all around after each 30 degree, clocks show one hour later (all times by view from outside resp. related to their meridian).

At this picture right side, a side-view of that ball is shown. From north pole N to south pole S all clock-hands along zero-meridian (left) show downward and along 180 meridian are showing (right) up. Along equator A clocks are arranged ´time-shifted´. This corresponds e.g. with 90-degree-angle at meridian L90 (at the middle, at A), where from north to south all clock-hands show towards left.

Who ever had to fix a wallpaper at a wall not totally plane, knows what´s resulting - wallpaper design no longer will fit. Here for example, hands near south pole show into different directions (see thick marked clock-hands near S). An aetherpoint however can not be left and same time be right side of its fulcrum. So aetherpoints at a pole-cap (here at N) well can swing parallel, however not all aetherpoints throughout total surface of a sphere.

This aether-swinging occurs at very short radius, e.g. in comparison with huge radius of sun. At sun surface indeed are ´chaotic´ motions on and on, so such little ´inconsistencies´ are irrelevant. Nevertheless, ´perfect´ motion pattern should be possible, at least for small spheres like simple atoms. Many months I was searching for solution, in vain, until I got it: jellyfish. Previous parallel-motions can work only at a pole-cap, so that object must be open (more or less) at the other pole respective wallpaper-design must pass off down there. At picture 08.12.03 these considerations are shown by schematic cross-sectional view.

At A once more is shown previous view at this sphere, however from equator downward, clocks are drawn each smaller. Swinging towards south pole S must become smaller and smaller and finally must pass into minimum swinging of Free Aether. Thus, contrary motions become reduced and finally disappear completely (like wallpaper design would become smaller and towards pole would become minimum, i.e. all differences disappear).

At B this sphere (yellow) is drawn by some smaller scale. At north pole N and at its (flat) cap, wide swinging exists and corresponding far outward are reaching upside cones (dark green) of balancing motions towards Free Aether. The nearer to south pole S, the smaller become swinging motions and the shorter cones are demanded. Total ´aura´ (E, marked light- and dark-green) of balancing motions thus no longer is sphere-like but at one pole essentially less thick.

At C once more cross-sectional view of this oval object is drawn. Swinging from outside inward occurs at increasing radius, upside marked as aura E. At sphere-surface F (here marked red) swinging occurs at radius most long.

Up to now, area inside of that shell was sketched only as ´yellow star´. Aether swinging however may not increase further inside, otherwise indeed would meet contrary motions at centre by strong intensity (which could slacken only explosive, e.g. in shape of supernova). So aether swinging inside of that sphere-shell must also decrease to shorter radius. That inner balancing area G here is marked light-green and yellow. At centre H (blue) swinging could be reduced so far, remaining motions would correspond to Free Aether.

This swinging pattern thus is no (solid) ball but only some shell drifting within Free Aether - and also inside is filled up by Free Aether. This object works like a membrane protecting ´inside-world´, which could keep even totally independent ´content´ (by quite different motion pattern). This important aspect of ´pure aetheric shells´ will be discussed at chapter after next. Previous ´jellyfish´ however shows some more and interesting characteristics.

Swinging at area F of outer balancing motions normally is called ´charge´. As here intensity of swinging motions is different, this object is not neutral, but north pole would be called negative and south pole positive (where ´positive´ is not the contrary of ´negative´, but positive is only less charge-swinging layer). At south pole that swinging well could be only corresponding to Free Aether, so there would be no charge at all, i.e. this object is a monopole. So I call this motion pattern a ´monopole-shell-vortex´.

Fine aether swinging affects pressure (aether-pressure, see previous chapters) versus coarse swinging. The more rough, the stronger that counter-pressure. Here exists stronger pressure onto north pole, so this object is pushed ahead within space (all times into direction of south pole). That object is most mobile and is buzzing around within aether all times. At the other hand, it has relative calm south pole - and for example two of these objects could mutually dock at south poles, like sketched at this picture at D. So it´s not true, likely poles mutually reject and unlike poles attract each other. However all objects (i.e. all aether-vortex-systems) get connected all times where fitting motions exist.

Speculation: Biefeld-Brown-Effect
Well-known Biefeld-Brown-Effect is sketched at picture 08.12.04: if a capacitor (with high charge) is mounted at a pendulum, it will shift towards side of plus-plate P (blue, see arrows A and B) all times. If this capacitor is mounted at a scale, it´s pushed down (see arrow C) if negative-plate N (red) is upside. At opposite case, weight is reduced (see arrow D). This effect is also given within vacuum, i.e. any ´ion-wind´ can´t cause these movements.

Real cause of this effect is based on fact, electric charges are aether-swinging-motions at surfaces of conductors. Negative charge represents wide resp. intensive swinging, thus demands high ´aura´, resulting strong counter-pressure of ambient Free Aether. Positive charge does not exist but is only some smaller swinging with according low aura and less counter-pressure of Free Aether.

This phenomenon is also used by so-called ´lifters´, e.g. like build by J.L.Naudin. Upside is a ring of thin wire (at this picture at E marked white), which can take only small charge. Below are wide tin-foils which can take much stronger charges. If high voltage is put onto total construction, it will lift and float within space. Opposite to common explanations, only the difference of charge-aura and thus asymmetry of aether-pressure is causing this effect - analogue to asymmetry of aura at previous picture 08.12.03 at B and C (and like discussed once more some later).

Wave with Stroke all around
At picture 08.12.05 an other starting point is sketched for searching ´perfect´ motion pattern at sphere-surfaces, beginning with aether movements at area of equator. There, not all ´clocks´ can show into likely direction (e.g. like at A where all are pointing upward), because all aether would slop up to north pole (where no place for all aetherpoints is available). Afterward all aether would slop down at circled track towards south pole.

Like already shown, these clocks must be ´time-shifted´ (like sketched at B by eight clocks, each hand shifted by 45 degree). At one side thus aether is moving up and at opposite side aether moves down. If all clocks are turning synchronous, however these two parts have different length (see black and blue lines). Resulting problem is sketched at C: distances between aetherpoints are different, at E (black) much longer than at F (blue). Within gapless aether however, distances between neighbouring aetherpoints must be constant all times.

Solution for problem is sketched left side at D: an aetherpoint may not only swing around one fulcrum by radius R1, but this motion must be overlaid by second swinging with radius R2, into likely sense. Resulting is track-with-stroke (see previous chapters), like shown right side at D.

At upper part of track, aetherpoint moves only short distances each time-unit (see black curve G). That part of short running motions compensates long sections at upside area E. At bottom part of that track-with-stroke, aetherpoint is running far ahead each time-unit (see blue curve H). This long running motion compensates previous short section at area F.

Like already mentioned, such differences won´t bother at circumference of huge sun respective can be balanced by additional movements into third dimension. Nevertheless at small objects, continuous swinging should be possible direct at level of sphere-shaped surface of a shell. Anyway, everywhere neighbouring aetherpoints must keep constant distances, no matter motions locally are running by different speeds.

Different Stokes
One important finding for understand of sun´s motions can be deduced already by picture 08.12.06 at A. This sketch shows view at north pole N, where clock-hand shows to left side (and like previous picture 08.12.02 all hands momentary are pointing left, here only marked by three red hands). Aetherpoint at north pole swings around this fulcrum, each time-unit e.g. by 30 degree and thus is moving likely distances each time-unit.

Also aetherpoints ´of second row´ are swinging around at their neighbouring clocks nearby. Even theses clocks show different hours (by view towards their meridians), distances between aetherpoints are somehow likely. Clocks of aetherpoints ´third row´ are more separated, so differences become longer. At equator come up differences most long, which can be equalizes only by un-like swinging motions.

Concerning sun (respective in general for these star-vortex-systems) results appearance of different turning: aether is swinging at circle track near poles. Further towards equator that circle track must change into tracks-with-stroke. Then, at one half of time exists far running forward-motion (all times in turning sense of system, so here left-turning), while at second half of time occurs slow backward-motion. The ´stoke´ of aether movements is much stronger at equator than at high degree of latitude and just near pole-cap swinging occurs at circle track without stroke. At this picture at B these increasing strokes towards equator are marked by red segments at each clock.

So at area near equator exists forward lashing motion, while poles are swinging uniform. However, all aether still remains nearby its original place, is only swinging at more or less ´eccentric´ tracks. At our sun, this effect is enforced by motions of material particles and gases are really rotating much stronger near equator than near poles (discussed in details some chapters later).

No Circles
At picture 08.12.07 at A, once more these clocks of equator are drawn by constant distances between (see vertical marks). Clock-hands are shifted each 45 degree (like at upside picture 08.12.05 at B and C). There did result different distances between aetherpoints (long black line at area E, short blue line at area F). Compensation was achieved by previous tracks-with-stroke - however that construction of overlaying circle motions is wrong.

I was fixated at deduction of necessary motions by circle-tracks and overlays. Already circle track is a formal abstraction opposite to real motions of Free Aether, which at earlier parts I called ´spiralclustertracks´. These motions appear just ´chaotic´ because resulting of most diverse overlays.

Constructing aether-motions by circles is just as stupide as deducing weather forecast by circle motions of air. Air particles are running not at fixed tracks but flow all times only from areas of high density into areas of lower density. If density-differences become null, standstill comes up. This law is generally valid within ´material world´: energy respective motion (no matter which kind) is resulting only from existence of potentials. And opposite is valid: where no (longer) differences exist, energy-less stillstand exists.

Within aether an other primary law controls processes: this medium is gapless and not compressible, thus distances between neighbouring aetherpoints must be constant all times, no matter which motions locally occur within aether. Aether can swing and twist into all directions, however all aetherpoints must keep likely distances between. All aether all times is moving and - different to particle-world - can never standstill. Only by that gapless and ´restless´ basic-substance any energy-constant is conceivable and really existing.

For concrete case this will mean: if anywhere comes up sphere-shaped motion pattern, tracks of aetherpoints are not oriented at perfect circles and their overlays but exclusively come up by keeping constant distances between aetherpoints. At previous example, picture 08.12.07 at B, black curve now is divided into likely sections (see blue spots) - and as a consequence now these clocks just must show un-like distances between each other (at area G some nearer than at area H, see vertical marks). Or if one wants thinking by likely distances between clocks, these may not be shifted by likely degree - or clocks may not turn by constant likely speed.

So swinging motions are possible at equator, at the one hand upward to north pole and at opposite side down from north. That motion no longer is steady, but is compelling result of keeping distances between neighbouring aetherpoints. Generally, thus most various motion pattern are possible.

Here for example that condition means, also distances towards poles keep constant. Because points at higher latitudes are more nearby each other, previous ´wave´ becomes fading more and more and finally at poles passes into circle swinging. Motion pattern is symmetric towards north and south, so I call this pattern ´dipole-shell-system´. This structure keeps together by pressure of ambient Free Aether and analogue to previous monopole-shell that ´aetheric shape´ is stabilized also by inner Free Aether.

Speculation: Particles from Nothing
´If anywhere sphere-shaped motion pattern come up ...´ - was mentioned upside. Now, at quant-mechanics well is discussed, ´particles spontaneous could arise from nothing´ and short time later will disappear (e.g. described by: vacuum ´lends´ short-term energy, ´condensing´ to materia ... etc.). However there is neither an abstract vacuum with an undefined energy nor exists ´nothing´ but only real aether-substance. Through that aether, ´electromagnetic waves´ are racing by light-speed and also ´motions-remainders´ are wandering through space, by different speeds, into all directions.

A whirlwind can come up when occasionally meet air motions, mutually wrap up and grow to an intensive vortex-system by static pressure of ambient air. Quite analogue wandering aether motions could happen to meet and by chance with fitting contours, starting mutually swinging around each other and building a sphere-shaped aether shell - possibly appearing like a material object. However this units won´t disappear spontaneous again, but only by strong disturbance, so new motion-shreds become drifting off.

Rigid Circle-Track and linear Motions
Even constant distances between aetherpoints must exist, still most various motion tracks are possible. Nevertheless I must come back to ´rigid´ starting point once more time (because real stable motion pattern demand fix rules). For this aspect, at picture 08.12.08 at A a sphere is drawn, where an aetherpoint (marked black) momentary is positioned some left of north pole N. This aetherpoint is swinging at red clock-hand at circle track. Whole shell of sphere is assumed to be rigid.

Corresponding aetherpoint near south pole S must also swing at circle and momentary must be positioned some right of south pole. Three aetherpoints are drawn at area of equator: the left one must be some below equator and the right one some upside of. Third aetherpoint at the middle is positioned just at dotted connecting lines, so direct at equator-line.

Now all points near equator show motion rather strange: these points won´t swing at round tracks but are moving linear only straight up and down (see double-arrow) within a band marked white. So different to assumptions e.g. at ´jellyfish´, circle-swinging pole-caps do not result also circle-shaped swinging at equator (and thus following motion pattern are relevant also for previous mono- and dipole-shell systems).

At this picture at B, view onto a meridian is sketched. At north pole N and at south pole S, aetherpoints are swinging at circle tracks. At equator, aetherpoints are moving just up and down. At areas between, aetherpoints are swinging at tracks representing transmission from circled to linear motion (here marked by un-even, oval tracks).

At this picture at C is sketched how linear motion can come up by overlay of two circle tracks. First swinging works at radius R1 (marked red, left-turning). At end of that clock-hand exists second swinging motion by radius R2 (marked blue, opposite sense, thus right-turning). Both radius are likely long and both turnings occur by likely speed. At any position of both radius-arms (here shown four times below each other) the aetherpoint (black, at the end of second hand) will move at straight line.

At D this ´two-rod-gear´ and its linear track is shown once more. Analogue must move all points near equator. However, smooth transition is possible towards poles: radius R2 becomes shorter and if R2 is null, only that circle-round swinging of R1 remains at poles.

Oval Tracks, forward- and back-turning
However, that linear movement is not really aether-conform because at each end of straight track occurs stillstand for short moment - which merely can exist within steady moving aether. This vortex-system could come up for short time, however won´t exist long term. Any external disturbance e.g. affects circle-shaped swinging at poles, thus lengths of R1 and R2 are changed and also turning speeds. So whole vortex-system will start ´swaying´ and / or will collapse.

At previous picture at E are sketched two overlaying clocks, where radius R2 (blue) is shorter than R1 (red). Resulting is an oval track, where aetherpoint swings left-turning. Opposite situation is sketched at F, where R2 is longer than R1 and an oval track some longer results, now however right-turning. These tracks were already discussed at chapter ´08.10. Milkyway´ and motion pattern of its spiral-arms.

Focus and Rosette
Previous oval tracks come up when both clocks turn likely speed. If however revolutions are different, stretched position of both radius-hands occurs some earlier or some later and thus total track becomes forward- or backward-turning (so e.g. barred spiral-arm is turning around centre of milkyway). Here now in addition was found, motions must not result from overlay of pure circle-tracks, but within aether that ´low of constant distances´ has priority (mostly leading to motions some un-even).

An other ´law´ says, all aether in principle is bound to its location. So up to now was assumed, any aetherpoint may move at its track, more or less even, however must come back exactly to its starting point. Also this is ´thinking too rigid´ and does not fit to flexible behaviour of aether. At as whole and in principle, aether is also ´stationary´ when an aetherpoint comes back only nearby its starting point. Instead of swinging around a fix fulcrum it´s sufficient when the aetherpoint stays within certain focus.

At picture 08.12.09 at A both characteristics are combined, e.g. by view at north pole N. The aetherpoint C (black) is swinging outward at a left-turning, oval track D and afterward will come back near north pole. That track however is no perfect oval, so this aetherpoint at the following will run way E and afterward way F and so on.

That aetherpoint keeps near to north pole in general, however is moving at a ´rosette-shaped´ track. This is still no rotation (which can not occur within aether, opposite to ´material world´). It´s only that long stretched swinging, which is shifting around a general focus. As in addition these tracks must not be geometric perfect lines, most variable possibilities of motions exist. Previous rosette sometimes is also called ´blossom of life´ - and some reader might recognize ´magic´ of that pattern or might even know its spiritual meaning.

At this picture 08.12.09 at B is sketched a sphere-shell with six white surfaces. Distances between all white areas are likely. No aetherpoints are drawn, but these white faces represent only that general space for motions, within each an aetherpoint may move. One aetherpoint momentary may move slower or faster, at narrow or wide track. All other aetherpoints may follow that motion more or less - respective all must only keep constant distances between each other.

These aetherpoint for example might move at previous rosette-tracks, so at this sphere-surface one would see six times that rosette-pattern of motions (and between analogue resp. balancing motions). Naturally at sphere-surface could be arranged much more of these rosettes. So from all directions that ball would show likely, no place would be preferred, there is no pole resp. there are many poles - and that´s why I call this motion pattern an ´omni-pole-system´.

Speculation: Carbon-Atom
Previous hexa-pole-sphere (at B) with its six ´eyes´ is shell of carbon. Well, free electrons exist, however concerning atoms one now is talking about ´electron-clouds´ - and these are real aether-shells. Even there are virtuous swinging motions all around, exist ´places of residence´ where aetherpoints behave relative regular, around a focus respective just within previous ´eyes´- which at common atom-models erroneously are called electrons.

Balls with Bumps
So searched ´ideal-shape´ of synchronous swinging around sphere-shell (like picture 08.12.01) finally is achieved. However this is done not at perfect (respective geometric simple) tracks but by motions more ´sloshing´ and extended degree of free movement. Nevertheless readers might doubt this motion pattern could really work at sphere-surface - all right, because one more formalistic restriction must be cancelled.

Naturally that graph-program draws perfect circles for representing balls at my pictures. Naturally however this is not really aether-conform. There are no fix borders nor exact border-faces. Previous considerations should result ´perfect´ motion processes at perfect sphere surfaces - and that´s just not possible.

If for example an aetherpoint within its white motion-space (previous picture at B) at the very moment is moving rather slow, all other aetherpoints must turn around that ´relative still-standing´ point, and thus sphere surface partial becomes ´swelling´. At locations with momentary relative few motion, only small balancing movements towards Free Aether are demanded. Opposite, at these swelling-areas with momentary wide motions, balancing cones must reach far out towards Free Aether. The aura around these vortex-objects thus practically will never be totally uniform but is permanent pulsating.

At picture 08.12.10 at A such a ´potato-ball´ is sketched where different colours represent momentary different motion-intensities at this surface which is not totally plane. The aura correspondingly will show differing height. Balancing-cones practically are working like springs: the farer they reach outward, the stronger affects general aether-counter-pressure. At surface of that sphere-shell all around exist swinging motions and same time that surface permanently is sloshing inward and outward. Finally by that additional movement, synchronous swinging is possible by constant distances between all aetherpoints.

Speculation: Trembling of Atoms
Picture 08.12.10 left side at B shows a ´cloud-formation´ of atoms respective molecules. One can see uneven surfaces, where aura around components and around total form however is not visible. All atoms and molecules are trembling permanently, each kind by typical manner, even they are embedded somehow fix within grid-structures. That trembling still exists even by most deep temperatures and thus represents enormous amount of ´energy´, normally called ´zero-point- or vacuum- or space-energy´ etc. Up to now it was not clear why that energy is not fading but is working on and on. These appearances become reasonable explained only at basis of real existing gapless aether and motion-principles discussed here.

Speculation: Ball-Lightning
Ball-lightnings are rare appearances and even more seldom are pictures of that ´compact charge of electricity´ (see C and D at this picture, diameter some decimetres). Many eye-witnesses reported about strange behaviour, intensive shine and ´wobble´ within these balls - which is not to explain by common electromagnetic forces. Only pressure of ambient Free Aether can build these membranes, within which ´vast amount of energy´ is locked, at least for some moments, i.e. as long as sufficient synchronous swinging exists.

Inside of Spheres
Previous considerations discussed motions at sphere-shells and environment of such balls. At the following now ´perfect´ motion pattern within spheres are investigated. This subject mainly concerns atoms and their motions are presented at the following chapter.

08.13. Aether-Model of Atoms 08. Something Moving